The first Post, so let's start off on a good note, shall we? Though it might be rarity here, we might as well begin the trend of doing things differently and doing them well.
The End Semester Exams are going on, and as we always hope they are not going well and not going away fast enough.
Ah, the woes of student Life...
But new things seem on the cards here at BIT, and we are not just speculating as is usual here.
First a Blog, Then news of a LAN, probably being setup in the next semester,then a Book Circle and lastly MENSA....
Big Things coming your way soon...
But only after a relaxing month long R&R stay at home during the Winter vacations...
One Question though? If we are in the midst of winter,how come the winter timings never got implemented this sem?
Abe padhai kar le saaley
Well Mr. Nike-Metallica,life isn't that fucked up after all.You could try being a li'l +ve for a change.
I agree with the first comment.
Well, to the second comment i would like to say if u dont know who gryphus is, what are u doing on the blog? he did not ask you to read it, did he?
Third comment is from someone who knows Nik(e) well. Its also from someone who has either not seen what life is outside BIT or is too frustrated with you Gryphus. Take it easy. There are people who resist any kinda bold initiative from anybody, be it u or anyone. Its fun playing with these kinda roadside pebbles who try and stop a road roller but get crushed underneath it.
I think BITians should make this a platform to air their views on BIT rather than targetting the blog creator. And if you dont have anything in you, better keep your crap to urself.
Good job Gryphus.
i appreciate your initiative !!!! but you shouldn't be ranting, life after, all is not that bad at BIT.Try to get the best of what u have. Pay heed to the first comment or your at stay at BIT may extend a bit longer(which obviously u won't like).
just be a little positve and SHINE ON, U CRAZY DIAMOND !!!!!!
Seems everybody agrees with the first comment. Study dude, get some decent GPA and then start thinking about extreneous things.
Moreover, people seem concerned with whats happening with others lives rather than looking at theirs at the first place. Dont bother him by reminding what he should do and what not to do.
Finally, Gryphus, if u feel BIT is that bad a place ( or maybe to re-phrase it, there is some scope of improvement) make a pledge to improve it. U can do it while staying in BIT and after you have passed out.
agla article daloge? aab to wireless bhi aa gaya hai?
well, its been a long time and this griffin is proud to be around.
as usual, bit mesra rests in pieces.
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