Saturday, January 20

Why THiNK………….

First think about your web-life. Has it not changed rapidly? You no longer mail friends… drop by scraps. Your photos are up for display to the world. You have suddenly started preferring random videos on YOUtube to chat shows with famous personalities. Where do you go looking for information, not Britannica but wikipedia. Firefox and Linux spreading like wildfire. And the biggest one of ‘em all……THE BLOG.


Because, as Time magazine suggests, the spotlight has shifted to YOU. We don’t want to listen to the general on a news channel briefing us about the situation on the warfront when we have a soldier pouring his heart out on a blog.

We don’t want one professionally made movies anymore……some moron with a camera filming an average day in his dorm seems much more interesting.

We don’t want telephone calls or even e-mails when social networking rocks.


Are bloggers just a bunch of wannabe writers doling out crap about non-consequential things? Should a regular Joe be allowed to tamper with the baap of all information- the encyclopedia? What is so good about the amateurish video clips the world is going crazy about?


Because blogs, wikipedia, YOUtube and the gazillion social networks are not trampling upon the already existing ways of information interchange. They are carving a new space for themselves, an alternative. And like it or not everybody riding this wave( now officially called WEB 2.0….though nothing official about it!) is lovin’ it. We have lived linearly too long relying on a bunch of specialists to tell us what we know or do. Its time for a different perspective.


Maybe it’s time when the junta jumps up from the ‘ people’s poll’ corner of the newspaper and spreads to the pages.


Because bitrip and now THiNK are both a part of this phenomenon. I might now recognize many of my fellow BITians on the road but I get a peek into what they think and do from their blogs. Calvin and Hobbes may tickle me a lot but it is an altogether different experience to read a comic strip about the life around me done by someone living in the adjacent hostel. A book on famous one-liners may be good but it cannot beat the nonsensicality of H4ism. News channels with hundreds of investigating teams blew up the death of a student here but Rhea’s simple observation and remembrance was closer to the truth.

So….START THiNKing but don’t forget to open the lid of your head when you do so that the world can peek in.

COME and be a part of the first THiNK forum/meeting/briefing/celebration on 24th January……

BECAUSE it’s time ME AND YOU took over.

Wednesday, January 17

New Sem Begins.......................

It’s the middle of a very cold January and I am finally back at BIT. Coming so late, with the college already in full blow seems weird and makes me feel left out. So The Last few days I have been trying to catch up………

  1. I say it again; it’s very very cold, especially if you decide to jog 6 in the morning. Made my feet go blue.
  2. The LAN (intrahostel….yuk yuk) and the internet are finally working but the speed…it’s easier and faster to go to RND, save the pages you need and come back and read them than trying your luck with the internet.
  3. BITOTSAV is already on people’s mind and is mentioned often in passing.
  4. People are gearing up for spring fest, KGP.
  5. Many BITians are off to Youth Fest, Chinnai to prove their metal.
  6. ThiNK people are doing a lot of work and there is lot of material on its blog. I even attended one of the ‘meetings’ today.
  7. Since this is no.7 and I can’t think of anything else of consequence I pray JKR finishes off the 7th book fast (no hic hic…..I am in my senses)

BITOTSAV………anyone in 2k6 reading this…I’d say…. PARTICIPATE. It’s the closest you will come to having a good time in BIT. Form a team, hop from one event to the other, chill at the informal ground and dance and sing into the night. I say it again, no matter who you are or what you do in some form or other PARTICIPATE. Now since my brain is numb from reading 50 articles on ThiNK and I am repeating my sentences I better stop. I leave you with a pic of what happened to me last Core Night at BITOTSAV………