Tuesday, December 6

Whatcha doin, ppl ?

So BITians... how's the holidays going ?
Surely everybody is enjoying the good food and warm beds at home, though missing the late hours of the hostel. Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire is out in the theaters. Take my word for it - it's a theater watch. Don't make the mistake of watching it on a comp, or TV. you'll simply miss the effects.
Prep for the Robotix Workshop to be held in Jan 06 is going on in full swing. The organising team is working real hard to make this a truly memorable experience for the young minds on campus. And from the looks of it - it sure will be.
If anyone of you has anything interesting to share - something that you've achieved during the holidays that is worth noticing, or some funny incident that you had.. or a new joke you'd wish to share with your fellow BITians.. simply post them in the comments section. They'll be posted in the next update to the blog. After all.. this blog is for the BITians, by the BITians and of the BITians...
Enjoy the winters.. my fave season...


Ujjwal said...

guess the blogomania is yet to catch up with BITians..

Anonymous said...

Hello folks...I just happened to stumble over this blog and let me admit, reading it was a trip down memory lane.......no matter how much you hate BIT while you are there, once you are out of it, you will always miss the 4 years spent there (or whatever number you are are forced to ). I and my whole batch, had there share of fun at B.I.T and it uese to rock during our times...... I have been through more than half the world ever since and I am yet to find a place that was half as special as Mesra........so as long as you are there...have fun...no harm in getting a little frustrated sometimes thinking the rest of the world is having a lot of fun ( i had my share of frustration while i was there, dont worry, it is a part of the fun).....sooner or later you are bound to realize that the real fun you ever had was in B.I.T itself......(i hope rotaract club is still functional, i was the president of the same while i was there)....take care and keep blogging....luv you all ...long live B.I.T Mesra