Thursday, April 3

the return of the native

We got DC++ and interhostel LAN back. in return for this:

Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi
Undertaking with respect to BIT Ranchi IT Usage Policy

Whom this Document Concerns:
All Users of IT infrastructure at BIT Ranchi.
Reason for Policy
This policy outlines the responsible use of the Information Technology Infrastructure at BIT Ranchi.
Statement of Policy

All users of BIT Ranchi will be subject to the following Acceptable Use Policy

1. [Content] I shall be responsible for all use of this network. In case I own a computer and decide to connect it to BIT Ranchi network, I will be responsible for all the content on it, especially that which I make available to other users. (This provision will also apply to any computer or device for which I am responsible, and is included in the meaning of "my computer".) In case I do not own a computer but am provided some IT resources by BIT Ranchi, I will be held responsible for the content stored in the designated workspace allotted to me (examples: file storage area, web pages, stored/archived emails, on Computer Centre or Department machines).
2. [Network] I will be held responsible for all the network traffic generated by "my computer". I understand that network capacity is a limited, shared resource. I agree that physically tampering with network connections/equipments, sending disruptive signals, or making EXCESSIVE USE of network resources is strictly prohibited. Repeated offenses of this type could result in permanent disconnection of network services. I shall not share the network connection beyond my own use and will not act as a forwarder/ masquerader for anyone else.
3. [Academic Use] I understand that the IT infrastructure at BIT Ranchi is for academic use and I shall not use it for any commercial purpose or to host data services for other people or groups. Also, I shall not host or broadcast information that might harm others or may be otherwise considered objectionable or illegal as per Indian law.
4. [Identity] I shall not attempt to deceive others about my identity in electronic communications or network traffic. I will also not use BIT Ranchi IT resources to threaten, intimidate, or harass others.
5. [Privacy] I will not intrude on privacy of anyone. In particular I will not try to access computers (hacking), accounts, files, or information belonging to others without their knowledge and explicit consent.
6. [Monitoring] I understand that the IT resources provided to me are subject to monitoring, with cause, as determined through consultation with the BIT Ranchi administration, when applicable. The monitoring may include aggregate bandwidth usage to effectively manage limited IT resources as well as monitoring traffic content in response to a legal or law enforcement request to do so. I authorize BIT Ranchi administration to perform network vulnerability and port scans on my systems, as needed, for protecting the overall integrity and efficiency of BIT Ranchi network.
7. [Viruses] I shall maintain my computer on this network with current virus detection software and current updates of my operating system, and I shall attempt to keep my computer free from viruses, worms, trojans, and other similar programs.
8. [File Sharing] I shall not use the IT infrastructure to engage in any form of illegal file sharing (examples: copyrighted material, obscene material).
9. [Security] I understand that I will not take any steps that endanger the security of the BIT Ranchi network. Specifically, I will not attempt to bypass firewalls and access rules in place. This includes not setting up servers of any kind (examples: web, mail, proxy, DC++ Hubs) or any other software that are visible to the world outside the BIT Ranchi campus without concern of network team. In critical situations, BIT Ranchi authorities reserve the right to disconnect any device or disable any account if it believed that either is involved in compromising the information security of BIT Ranchi.
10. [Settings] I understand that I will no change or tamper any settings for the network setup which are done by the Network team.
11. [Penalties] I understand that any use of IT infrastructure at BIT Ranchi that constitutes a violation of BIT Ranchi Regulations could result in administrative or disciplinary procedures.


Anonymous said...

you dimwitted pachyderm.. how can you get back DC++ if one of the rules "explicitly" prohibits setting up of DC++ hubs???
Or is there some fine print that I missed in the horrendous color scheme of the blog?

I Am Nikhil said...

my bad. i forgot to mention that a single DC++ hub has been setup up in the R&D, and we may not connect to or setup up any other hubs. all content, chat, etc etc etc are now officially monitored.
that better my dear Anon friend?

Anonymous said...

muchas gracias.. all sins forgiven son..

ps: I guess it's time now to act on the hideous color scheme.. please.. for heaven's sake.. change it.. can't see ma baby being raped so bad..

Anonymous said...

I simply love the colour scheme. Keep it dude.

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