Monday, June 12

The Return of the Pachyderm

Hello people.
Im still alive despite contrary wishes of a few hundred people.
Was just away sleeping ,etc... leading a pachydermish life.
The ONE (He wont lemme name him here) was surprised to see me online lately and even more on doing so in person. Hence the title...
It's been a long time since the cuppa coffee over which this blog started...
Lots has happened since then.
btw, from this point on this is gonna be the uncensored completely opinionated BIT blog. if u want plain facts, then u can hop over to BIT Mesra Times. To quote Adi,we are only Journalists there. Here, we are opinionated facetious morons.That us.

Coming to new stuff, caught GVS necking someone the other day at the OC.
It was a shock. i wish i had a camera. Mohit, Devarsh, You guys listening?
Others things have been happening too, like Hercules making me realise that im not an elephant really. na. more closer to a beached whale. so i have a diet of a crustacean now. Man! gotta go torment my body under his expert guidance now.

Morrison Lives !

1 comment:

I Am Nikhil said...

ok. GVS. i concede defeat. u have lost it. u were necking a cow. happy? no more false news.