Sunday, July 16

When the clock strikes SIX

Here I am, stuck at home, and have no idea what is going on in BIT… here is some stale bread served in a new packet

We all know what happened to Cinderella when the clock struck twelve. At BIT a different version of this fairytale is played everyday………

At PMC…..

Guys are bidding their final farewell for the day. They generally have a very weepy look on their faces and are trying their best to linger for as long as possible. The girl in the meantime is thinking, “My warden is going to kill me, doesn’t this guy know that there IS a tomorrow”. Other people in groups of 4 or 5 are cracking sick jokes on these couples. The H1 PMC lobby is very active at this hour making full use of binoculars and camcorders!!! The guard’s quandary is a spectacle to behold. If he breaks up the couples he gets to face the guy’s scorn. If he does not Thapa might come and fire him. So he just stands there looking even weepier. Some ME girls can be seen running back (the ONLY people who probably do some serious studies).
But all share one sentiment. Curses for a certain individual (ahem….won’t name anybody….let’s just call him Wicked Step Father). But every time I see his constipated face in the insti I know the curses are well at work.

PS: I, for one, would like to see more action at PMC.......the place ought to live up to its name!!!

To know what happens in the girls’ hostel after six….keep reading


Ujjwal said...

yup..we would love to know what happens after 6 in H9,10,11 et al.

Ujjwal said...

Though it makes sense still, I was wondering if there was a typo in the heading.

Lioness said...

correction made